
see all galleries 2011 • sold
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Marble • 8 feet long (5'-0" x 8'-2" x 2'-6") • 8,500#



60" x 98" x 30"

This sculpture is about mutual cooperation and support. The two swimmers, one male and the other female, are moving towards each other through large waves in a deep ocean storm. One hand is outstretched towards the other with the fingers almost, but not quite touching. If they can connect, they may be able to weather the storm and survive. This potential, and the effort and trust it requires, can apply to a single human relationship or the relationships between larger groups of people and nations. My hope is that anyone looking at this sculpture will consider the positive nature of offering and receiving help in this very challenging world.

The sculpture was carved over the course of four weeks in the summer of 2011, during the first annual Heykel Kolonisi (Sculpture Colony) hosted by the Komurcuoglu Marble Company in Denizli, Turkey. Mr. Nihat Komurcuoglu organized this first symposium of five sculptors fromTurkey and three from the United States. He did this following the cancellation of the Art Colony at Pamukkale University, Denizli and provided the venue, material and equipment for the completion of a number of monumental sculptures. In addition to this, Mr. Komurcuoglu provided excellent lodging, food, entertainment, excursions and travel. I know that I speak for all the artists when I say how much I enjoyed this experience and how grateful I am to Mr. Komurcuoglu.

I designed the sculpture and then carved it in collaboration with my partner, sculptor Sherry Tipton and with the help of artist Gizem Karacaoglu, from Istanbul. The large white marble block is from a quarry in Usak, Turkey and the two, travertine pedestal blocks are from the Komurcuoglu Marble quarry.