Infinite Possibilities

see all galleries 2010
Stone Sculpture prev all next
Limestone • 3 feet tall (33" x 11" x 8") • 200#



"Infinite Possibilities"

I have long admired the elegant work of bronze sculptor CT Whitehouse. For some time we've talked about the idea of working together on sculpture and this is our first collaborative piece. CT's vessel, titled, "Infinity" is held by my stone hand which is supported by and part of my neo-classical base. The title reflects the potential limitlessness of creative collaboration which, with the right combination of people and intention, can be manifest in virtually any endeavor. This sculpture can be seen as a prototype for monumental work.

Through this collaboration, we've created work that expands and ennobles our respective art forms. The first sculpture, "Infinite Possibilities" is well titled for both this work of art as well as the future of our collaboration.

CT and I develop design ideas through dialog and drawings. When a design is polished and agreed to, the process of making the sculpture begins. At his studio, Whitehouse meticulously creates the bronze vessel that will rest in the stone. This is a multi-stage process that begins with shaping and carving clay, on through orchestrating all the steps of the foundry process. Once completed he sends the cast bronze, without patina, to me. I then begin the painstaking process of fitting the complex shape into the carving block. When that work is completed and the bronze vessel rests snugly in the stone block, I then proceed with carving the balance of the sculpture in stone. When the carving is finally completed, I return the bronze to Whitehouse who then applies the patina finish. The final bronze and the final carving are then reunited to create the complete sculpture.

We are currently developing designs for other sculpture, some of which is monumental.We both have long experience with commissions and welcome the opportunity to expand our collaboration to include clients interested in concept and/or site-specific sculpture. Our work is represented by the National Sculptors' Guild and Columbine Gallery ( or ).